Ok, I lost the beginning of my last attempt! I guess I'll refer to that as the long attempt, which is basically a whine. Anyway, my eyesight did improve and I now have corrective lenses, but my, optic nerves are permanently damaged, so the improvement is good, I'm still unable to drive and I also have the shakes, so most attempts at communication via computer usually end in me trying not to throw the computer/phone, etc out the window. Also, I am sadly awful when it comes to anything computer.
So, The YAY part of my whine is that I am now the proud owner of an ipad2 as of yesterday! So far, I love it and I think it suits my inabilities (due to both cancer and natural ineptness!). The first thing I wanted to do was update my blog, but this is going to be short becauSe I have to go to the doctor. My oncologist is retooling my current treatment plan, so more on that later.
Hi Katherine! I will call you later this week. Try on Friday if you are free to talk. I am thinking of you and am praying you feel better and sending lots of love and good thoughts your way!!! xoxo Jamie "Hot Rod"